Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congratulations Steven!

Hey! i'm here blogging again.
But this time not about me. It's about Steven Neoh! *pss: he wont even read my blog so yea*
it's a secret between me and you. the pics in here some are stolen from somewhere. =)

Steven Neoh is our(Frankie Pizza) "Last Time Worker" =)
some of you may know him, some of you dont. Good if you know him, sorry if you dont. but it actually doesn't matter.
So wondering why i Say Congratlations? i'll telll you later.

First i will how you a picture of him when he's young. primary school i think. (source of picture: maid, Kak Endang/ his keh mak)

His primary school picture. Cute eh? *so innocent!*

In the middle in year 2009 he looks like this *as you can see a little, he's a little plum*

Anyways, he's the one who gave me the panda. for my birthday. Here goes the panda!

The Panda! it's kinda old now. i think he gave me since 2006 maybe? idk. too long to remember. sorry.

for your info, he's now officially 21 year old!

meaning he's old! xD jk. it actually means he's already matured and sudah ada freedom! Congratulations *and sorry for not going to your bday party idk how long ago. Wasn't free*

But that isn't what i'm congratulating about.

That day when i went to work at Desa Green, saw him. His appearence was great suprise for it's so long since i saw him.

He's very easy to talk to (at leasst for me) =D

He's now doing bakery stuff. like breads i guess. he worked in four leaves before but he quit and went to another bakery. idk the name but the cakes he do is good! believe me.

want more info where he work just leave a msg at chat box. =)

So now cut all the crapping and get straight to the point!

The reason i congratulated him was because. chang chang Chang CHANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


isn't it amazing? he had been gaining weight since he worked in bakery. mainly becayse if cannot sell finish, he have to bring go home and eat so yea. that's why he's a little plum. he's overweight (according to him)

So when he started losing weight? answer: since last week

How he lose weight: he went to this 12-treatments0RM 500-thinggy. and according to mummy, that's way to cheap for sliming! and yes! i do agree. Rm500 for TWELVE TIMES! yup, you saw it right. TWELVE TIMES!

Where do you get the treatment? answer: Gurney according to him. But i'm not sure about further details. he just roughly told me about it. So if you want further info, again you can leave a msg and i'll ask him if you want to.

How many KG's did he lose? answer: he said 4 kg but i dont think so. he was 90 smtg kg when he should only be 60 smtg kg for his height. big difference eh? he was from i think 98 kg and dropped till somewhere around 83 i think. and his goal is to be 73/72 kg bafore chinese new year. *For your info, he bought all the clothes he can't wear /cause to small and he plans to wear them. he does have confident now. i can tell. the first time i saw him that friday, i thoughtsmtg was wrong. he was a much happier person. i can feel his enjoying life now. his self esteem build up. i'm happy for him, that's why i'm writing this post. You can't lose weight just by saying OK, i wanna lose weight, but end up doing nothing. losing weight is about the sction you take to lose weight and do whatever it takes to lose weight (not till starve yourself, it's just making your weight rise higher when you eat even a little) it's the action that matters which will give you results.

i'm lazy to update ad. so ta da!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Hols ppl! =D

So today is the last day of school...
meaning stating from tomorrow it's hollday time.
this time belongs to us students. anything and everything we wanna do. so dont waste time. the time dont/never waits for you!

and here i wsh my sister, AW SIEW BEE: Good Luck For your SPM! You Can Do it!
to sps takers: dont be envy that we're having holidays. you will have even longer holidays than us after your spm. So Work hard, Enjoy later. =)

it was kinda boring in school but it was quite fun. saying bye and happy hols to classmates, hugging them. hmm. it was fun. especialy hugging sx! haha. suuuuUUUUUUUUPER tall! xD
and and and!!! MGS Girls!!! Pn. Leong gave every one of us a hug before going back. or not tak boleh balik. how sweet of her huh? *we will miss you PN LEONG!!!*
*looks and czen Yhi* hahaha.

Anyways i help some help from all of you. hope you do cooperate.
the help sn't that hard
Just help me find friends/maybe yourself to
1. Join me for gym (only students.need student card)
  • need 3 people.

-me (Siew Lan)

-Chui yi

-? (coming soon)

  • need to pay RM 35 per month (but if one student only maybe RM 90)
  • Full time (can go anytime, no time limit. obviously when the gym open and before it ends)
  • Name of gym: Clark Hatch(can check out their website at ) at jalan Dato Keramat.

2. my parents need workers for new stalls

  • Pay based on how many hours (night time only)
  • new shops opening:

-lom boi (idk the spelling) will tell more info soon.


-5 tiao lo

so we need vacancy. if any of you want, leave a msg in the chat box. anything can ask me. dont feel shy. earn money sambil holiday, and not spend only xD i will try to check my chatbox everyday. =) All you have to do is take orders and serve/send the foods but maybe need washing plates(some places dont need)

For now, that's all i will blog.

Thanks for reading and Happy HOLS!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Cameron highlands trip (Leadership camp)

the leadership camp was help from 6 of november to 9th of november.
the camp was joined by PRS and librarian students.
Teachers who followed are Pn. annie, Miss Lim Bee Ling, and Miss sarah Ng.
the placed we stayed was Jurina lodge at tanah Rata.
Students from 3B were Siew Lan, Huey Yuen, Natasha, Filzah, Ruzaina, Yeisha, Joyuin.
only from 3 and 4 came.
The first day we went to cameron at 1 smtg. left penang after moved everything from bilik masakan and from Pn annie's counseling room to the bus.
jo Yuin was the last one to come among the form 3B's so she had to sit without us *end up sitting with shu hui*
i sat with natasha, Huey Yuen with yeisha.

Once we reached Cameron at around 7 smtg, we formed a line to the lodge and pass the things into the bungalow.
we went to the bus and took our own luggage.
then headed to the bungalow.
Miss Gark gave us the room at first she gave us Room 1 (that is Uncle/the bus drivers room)
then turn up our room was room 3.
5 people in our room was: ME, Yeisha, Natasha, Huey Yuen, jo Yuin.

then we left for FOOD!
went to "T cafe"
i ordered fish and Chips, and drink: 100 plus.
but me being me, i didn't eat finish. everyone helped me to finish my meal. =)
went back to lodge then had ice breaking session. used real name and nicknames.

Jo Yuin: jojo
huey yuen: Sexy
Natasha: ??? (forgot)
me: ASL

then went into room and choose where is our corner.
mine: near the toilet and dustbin =.= *it was the nearest to me & i guess the largest place xD*
Yeisha:between both the queen size bed
Hy, Jy and natasha: near the cupboard, under the dressing table

the most smelly toilet of all the rooms. urgh.
but we manage to survive with the toilet anyway. *tip: spray perfume every hour (except sleep)*
the first night, me and Natasha slept one bed, jo and sha one bed and hy on the extra bed on the floor.
i slept and woke up the next morning but many people complain that they can't sleep well during the first night.
and i can tell you. the first night, the weather was extremely COLD!
and there were people laughing at my pyjamas. IGNORE THAT.

The second day it was Jo yuins group to do duty.
btw, ALL of us was in diff group.
1st: HY(leader)
2nd: JY
4th: me

they made omelet with potato in it. Nice *thumbs up*
after that all of us were rushing to bathe, so pn annie said: ONE DAY BATHE ONCE. =)
and believe me, the water is freezing cold (eventually cause the heater not functioning)

after that we went to the TEA plantation at idk where.
the scnery was so nice and beautiful.
the air was fresh. not like in Penang. =X
me and the so SHY Huey Yuen
me, Huen Yuen and Jo Yuin's beautiful hands. LOL.
Ah SHAAA! Muak. xD
See! Now sha si LAN SI!
Candid shot by ME!!! xD: sha and sha is busy yawning.
:both girls mis right hand is up
:both wear matching colour shirts (natasha likes purple and yeisha is wearing Purple!! aiseh)
:one darked skin, one fair.
:both very chubi.
:both wear long sleeve
:both wear specs (sha wearing contact in this pic but she do wear specs)
:both were at the tea plantation! hahaha
pn annie was the first to go up and see the tea plantations.
we followed behind.
i was sweating like mad.
went up and end up stuck.
need to pass the muddy place again. EWWWW!
we used the muddy place till grace (librarian president) fell then she told us this way dont use sliperry.
go we used long cut.
i wear so many layers made me sweat more, but we bathed that morning, so can't bathe the whole day ad.
after that pn annie asked us whether we wanna go to the hiking. RM 30 for 9km (a mini bus will bring us up)
some not sure but said yes.
then she found a lady /uncle that said can give discount. bring us to that place at the price of RM20
we said OK so she order and booked a place for us
then when went home, alot dont wanna go. so she had to cancel the trip.
Pn annie was angry, i guess.
She said we had no leadership skill cause

1. we ponteng school on friday (some of us)
2. we agreed and promise ppl that we wanna go the place, but suddenly changed our mind.
she said yes means yes, no means no.

then lunch time. most went out and eat. i didn't one. cause at tea plantation when open my purse felt so broke. wanna save money. xD
so i stayed at the lodge and eat mee cup.
a lot of people stayed too and eat mee cup
but after a while all hilang ad. idk go where
when i finish eating went and clean my shoes.
went out again everybody gone, left the malay group and me.
i'm alone in the room then played gb. (game boy)
then they all come back, saved the game then our group did steamboat.
shold start at 1 oclock but no one was there
then we did steam boat.
Sue Ting ang Hwee Ting was the cook. we were suppose to peel off the meng kuang skin then take out the foods then bla bla.
we hold and wash the foods till our hands so cold.
some of us our hands can't move ad. too cold mia pasal.
after that we set the table and makan time.
i sat the same table with Ang Li man and gang and our rooommates.
i sat beside czen Yhi. *pss... saw chen yhi's mother at gurney on the 6th*
both of us small eater.
total opposite. but she had diarea or smtg like that so not feeling well.

after makan we just left the thigns first and went for amazing race.
group 4 ROCKSSS! *whoops*
our groups members who played were : ME, czen Yhi, Ruzaina, Asyikin, shu hui, vivien!!!
i weny hyper! xD
bla bla bla bla bla
we weren't the first after all. haih. nvm la.
love the sevi(our group leader)'s station task. hahahahahaha.
it was raining, then stop, then rain, then stop. haih. i left my umbrella at pn. annie's station.
played gasing on that day too. xD
went back, then group 4 clean the kitchen and the BBQ corner.
after that got short meeting then got games.
the signature game.
i only signed for one or 2 person only. haha
HELLO! CHEN YHI ADMIRES .. .. ..... !!! (fill in the blanks. MGSians, i'm sure you know this!)
then sleep time.
i forgot which night did hy told her bed time story. lol.
the third day, Natasha's group had to wake up early.
they made bihun mee and idk what.
i didn't eat. sorry.
i ate my own biscuit. i didn't feel so well that day.
after that went for hiking. it wasn't even tiring ok!
i swt more the day before when was hiking the tea plantation.
but nvm la. the stream there was so small but the water fall was nice and beautiful. pity can't go down and play in it. =/
me, jo yuin, yeisha and hy were the last few ones that went up the bas the latest. besides pn annie.
miss lim followed the rest up the bass. and miss sarah at home taking care of the WHOLE-ROOM-SICK patients. the whole room of form 4's were sick around 5 or 6 of them.
hope they're well now.
after that we had the 3D puzzle games.
i finished the hole one!! and the pyramid.
after that group 5 prepared BBQ while i.... NOT SAYING (you'll see later)
after that had BBQ. LOVE THE MARSHMELLOW BBQ! ahhaha. i berought my own but i didn't take out. for pn annie said i had to change my nutritions. =S
after BBQ had a meeting then went to pasar malam.
however, the pasar malam closed. urgh.
so went to the sovenior shop.
went home, Tidur.
Our last night there, so we were allowed to sleep late, but no noise starting from 11pm.
however, we were sleepy and sleep early. pn annie, garce and czen yhi played cards outside.
the next day jojo's group incharge of breakfast.
we eat... Pancake! with banana.
and i didn't eat again.
eat my own biscuit.
then packs and leave.
was suppose to leave at 9.30 but we tangguh and take pics till 11. hahaha
then went to strawberry farm 1, strawberry farm 2 then souvenior shop then home.
but we're okay la.
i bought 2 things for non family members.
the trip was fun afterall. most of our roommates were homesick and wanted to go back a.s.a.p cause tak tahan the dirty and cold water. so yea.
we survived! yay!
reached penang about 8 ++ pm then go esplanade eat, go home tidur.

*more pics to come*

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cameron highland trip!!

the cameron trip was for form 3 and 4.
left on friday at around 1pm. reached there around 7 to 8 smtg.
sat with natasha with her *pics to come if you wanna know who is natasha*
first day had ice braking session after eating.
we ate with the teachers, miss sarah, miss lim and pn annie.
at T cafe , i think.
i'll compile alll the 4 days into one post kay. will update later. =)
pictures too.
vain lots on the third day. *credits to yeisha*
will upload that too.
made lots of friends this trip.
felt so thankful that all my friends made my 4 days.
was in group 4 with czen yhi, asyikin(my secret admirer at form 1, according to her), sevi, ruzaina, shu hui, vivien.
LOVE the amazing race!!!
i went super hyper. *dont believe ask my team members*
but turn up we didn't get first. hahaha. it's alright
we got to play gasing and 3D puzzles.
i'm sure lots of people dont play gasing. hahahha
anyways, love the whole camp (exclude the water, the coldness, the temperature,the weather and THE SUPER DIRTY TOILET)
got 3 dogs there.
hy named one fluffy onw, M one(mean one), and the other according to jo yuin is mimi.
will update more.

Siew Lan

Monday, August 17, 2009


ON thursaday, my parents went to seberang perai to get our new car.
obviously i had to go to school.
got geo exam the next day.
i skipped tuition at night.
most of my after noon was spent at On Cost.
On cost is where we brought the car to.
uncle came and brought me home using bike.
was eating till mother came back.
i was wearing school shirt and just ran out to see the car.. and my parents of course.
i went and explore the whole car.
my mother was praising it like mad.she said it's the best car ever.
So we bought second hand from toyota.
if you haven know, we bought Avanza. the newer type. not the old wan.
i enjoy it lahh.
it's nice. i straight away pack (took few things into car: hdp, pencil, note book, bla bla)
went onto the car, read the manual.
first we went there to change the carpet.
After that the guy who owns the shop recomand more and more stuff, with large amount of money.
then we did thew car cushion.
it took quite long.
i look at them till my legs couldn't bare the weight of my body, so i went in, took my GEo teks book form 2.
and study.
so good, right?
then went home and studied a little then went to sleep.

will post about friday another time. gotta go sleep. byee.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the free day~

School was usual.
was lazy to wake up in th morning.
as usual.
Sis always have to rush me to school cause she got Coop duty.
and i very angelicly for always making her late.
she would always say faster lah, Faster lah!
but i always take my own sweet time.
she say she will die if she's late.
and i told her you said that lot of time and you are still here talking to me.
this morning we had a pleasant suprise?
but in a way not a very pleasant wan.
it would even make us worry more actually.
it's about someone's return.
from Kelantan.
He maybe would even bring h1n1 but we dont know. HAH.
so this mysterious person is my uncle.
Mother's side.
he get into my nerves.
i'm actually ok with him lahh.
he used to call me "baby" even though i was standard 6.
cause i was the smallest and i act like i small child, i guess.
so he's creepy.
cause he didn alot of crime before.
he's back from Kelantan, YES. true.
but he's back from rumah sakit Jiwa, if i'm not wrong.
sound nice eh?
he went there begining of this year i think.
could remember cause he always visited his big houses and not this house thankfull.
And the house i mean is his bungalo.
wanna know which one?
if you know my Bm tuiton place?
there is a hospital tehre.
if i'm not mistaken is General hospital.
there got penjara, right?
his bungalo is there.
he get free food and no need to work.
all he need to do is eat and sleep? maybe lah. idk what happens in prison anyways.
*reminds me of prisoner of Zenda* hahahhahhaa
Anyway the reason i said he was creepy as because he PLANNED to kill me and my sis before.
if you haven figure out, he's this drug-addict person.
so he will do anything to get money to buy drugs.
he used to "ajak" his friends to our house and they both take pill khayal or smtg like that in the room.
And its's seriously scary.
Imagine if you have a MURDERER in your house.
Staying with you.
staring at you everyday.
so yea. That's my situation now.
And i can tell you when he takes the pic or maybe suntikan.
you know the suntikan they say can kena AIDS or smtg if you share jarum?
idk what they take lah.
dont bother.
so he'll go spinning.
he wont realise anything he's doing.
so he goes crazy.
My father went to the chinese tokong.
they predict that he wants to kill me and my sis.
to get money, i guess.
cause he's money-less and work-less.
so he need money to buy drugs.
cause he's addicted to it.
even tua pek (father's oldest brother) also smoke and he wouldn't listen to me even though i told him dont smoke.
he said if he dont smoke, he'll die.
cause if smoker suddenly stop soking will die. idk lahh
So the tokong predict that my "aku" will kill my sis and me.
using a sharp thing.
not knife.
we were obviouly scared.
when i and sis in school, he was caght by polis.
then my father checked his room.
there was really one sharp thing.
as the tokong said.
luckily the polis catched him before he laksanakan his plans.
he's playing with people's life.
he's always caught by polis.
but always when they catch him, i'll be in school.
not there to watch the memorable moment. ahha.
he usually come back and stay for few months, then get catch into the jail again.
non stop.
my mother gave up in him.
he's useless.
He's other brother died.
to much dose of drugs, i think.
his sisters, dont even bother about him.
they wont give money even if he asked.
only my mother too kind.
let him stay here.
cause he got no more place to go.
so kesian him and let him stay here with us.
his other sisters dont even think about him. like he dont even exsist. So it' mum's responsiblity to take care of him.
Since other dont wanna care about him.
i'll stop the story about him.
he's just making my body shiver.
Today didn't study in school.
free lessons.
we did "pintas peta" ad
i heard that they are not making pintas peta ad.
sad. it helps us.
btw can't study form 1 cause no form 1 teks book. haih.
today i took pics with Bebe.
will upload asap.

A few pictures with BeeBee dearest! Muak.

Wnat to know what she's looking? sahe's looking at....


HER! my maid. kak Rubiah.

know who he is? he's the uncle i'm talking about.

with lotsa love

PMR - English Paper 1

Again, i'm blogging for yesterday.
So yesterday we had the BI paper 1.
it started after recess, so we had time to study .
but since it's BI objective, i dont study.
but at last got la.
a little.
just listen from Molly and Natasha.
they are the people i mix with most of the time.
unfortunately natasha didn't come today and Molly not coming tomorrow.
leaving me alone. =.=
Yesterday morning i ate uncle Bob as breakfast.
and i finshed the whole thing.
i usually dont eat much in the morning.
maybe one mouth full only? LMAO
The BI objective was okayy.
there was one part- the flower wan.
they say adapted from http://www.short/. inspiring stories
and i seriously tell you it's fake.
i can't find this website.
the reason i wanted to go visit this website was because i felt that the passage was meaningful.
it sounds like this.

Once, a guy stoped at a flower shop to buy flowers for his mum who stayed 200 miles away.
after she stepped out of his car, he noticed a girl crying at a curb.
He asked the girl what was wrong.
the girl said she wanted to buy flowers for her mother, but she doesn't have to money.
Therefore the guy bought some roses for the girl and placed his orders at the same time. she asked him to bring to mother.
The girl leaded him to a cemetry and put the fresh roses on (smtg which i forgot)
The guy went back to the flower shop.He cancelled the order he had made previously.
He took up a bouquet of flowers and paid for it.
He learnt a lesson that we should appreciate the people around us.

Isn't that touching? yes indeed for me. so i tried to find the website and there wasn't anywebsite that soundlike that. if you find it tell me kay. IF. BTw the wan with italic and and smaller words are the fill in the blank part. so i'm not sure if my answer is correct. Any i may forget to write some things inside. my memory not so good so can't remember all. but i think i got all the points.

instead of studying , i went drawing cratures.
Molly said my rabbit look like a monster. URGH.
i didn;t take pic of it, therefore no upload. sry. BTw the comp i'm using dont reconise my phone. So can't upload the pics. really sorry guys.
After school had to stay back for librarian.
had been staying back since monday.
Molly rejected the librarian post.
sad eh?
i believe she would be a good librarian. Seriously.
Miss Lim Bee Ling came and find for her.
And asked her why she didn't come for the first day.
On tuesday she didn't wanna stay back because it was her mom'y bday.
Anyway i would like to wish MOLLY'S MUM

hope aunty would be sucessfull in your life and aunty would be happy with everything you do.
you do have 2 very good daughters. 3 infact. plus diksy. xD

After staying back i went home. Almost die of hunger. i rarely eat during recess. can figure that out eh? Compare Molly's, huey yuen's and other people's food with mine. mine is totaly unhealthy.
So i guess that's all for yesterday.
Will try to upload my pics as fast as possible.

Pics i owe you all: The monster pics, My pics(still in school uniform), And the pug's picture. our house got 9 dogs/puppies btw. the pic i'm gonna upload is about Ah Fai and one more picture. Ah be. also known as beebee. she's the cutest poodle ever.

Beebee... The Cute PoOdLe! xD she's cuter in reality. even cuter.

In black and White.

eeeenyak! xD

Thanks for viewing my blog.
hope you continue viewing.
with lotsa love.
~Siew LAn~

Monday, August 10, 2009

PMR trails~

Today's monday so start the PMR trails. some school not taking. lol.
today's paper was BM 2 then followed by BM 1. BM 2 was okay lah.
for bahagian C alot of people choose hutan. (no2)
i wonder why. i did the permainan tradisional. (no4)
i straight away choosed that cause i remembered Mr. Sara gave us some work about it.
it's not the sam lah but it hlped.
i crap that whole part.
wishes there were more time.
then moment he said times up, i put a fullstop.
the he said need to wrte the num,br of words and the soalan i chosed.
i obviously forgot cause i was in a rush.
after exam, rushed to toilet.
was so nervous before exam therefore drank alot of water. stupid, right?
thanks to the two CPT girls to goes to Mr Sara tuition.
what they say were true.
peristiwa came out.
but unfortunately i didn't study.
i gave him (Mr. kannan, our BM teacher) 4 paragraphs for bahagian D (or was it E?)
i am quite happy about the paper 2 eventhough no time.
i didn't care abuot BM paper 2 cause always get wrong for that part.
they what they ask wasn't the thing that i know how to do
so i was empty minded.
lazy to talk crap.
Anyways got bad news today.
not gonna share it with you all.
wanna know maybe can ask me.
cause for me it's embarassing.
so i wont say unless you ask, ok?

Vanessa asked me to do smtg for her, and i did it for her.
a very cool discovery came to me.
the stuff she send me.
it's a website, to make fancy words or smtg like that.
i had a great talk with her.
now that in tuition i dont sit with them anymore, that time was precious.
cause now i sit with some person. erm. *inside story*
btw, i have no enemies.
and i dont wanna have one.
so this website for me is cool lah. for you all idk.

this is the website if you wanna check it out. it's just s sample. xD
One of Vanessa's was this:
there were more, but i'll show this. it loks like this:

it looks extremely wrong here so just go and chec out the website will you? xD (can even click on the picture)
So that's for all.
Today's story.
hehe. ntg much. remember to
  • check out the websites
  • comment about my make up(the previous post)
  • leave smtg in the chatbox (hi or whatever)
  • tell me what you feel bout the website
  • you can even give me your blog link if i dont have yours. (btw i link people who mostly dont link me ^^, so link me if you want to. so i can lin you too.


i'm blogging for yesterday.
so yesterday i should be studying like mad because exam is the next day.
but it was indeed the other way round.
on the morning woke up and rushed to Sungai Pinang food court.
cause wanna open shop.
then went to Times Square for breakfast.
In Roti BAKAR. Wee.
went with mother and sis.
dad went to "yam cha"
The food there was okayy lahh.
i wasn't in the mood of eating so HEH.
but it tasted quite nice lah.
not bad.
(the chocolate they give so little, but on the picture they put so much!)

Mummy at "Roti Bakar" aka "kopitiam"

Me, taken when i was in kopitiam. ugly eh?

After eating went to Tesco.
Long since i shop.
who doesn't anyway? (ignore the fact that money flies out of our pocket)
After shopping in Tesco for stationary (URGH. Obviously didn't get EVERYTHING i wanted) went to The Penang State Library.
with sister. and the late-comer= Caren
She was late cause her car got into an accident (if it's even one)
the prob was she terbump into idk what car on th way to the library.
then the owner (known as a lady) sued Caren for hitting her car.
The scratch on her car doesn't seem like kena hit. A.K.A the lady eye smtg wrong (whoops)
the scratch was very small, according to the victim, Caren.
The Lady borrowed Caren's Phone to call her son/daughter (whichever)
Caren kept her eyes on to the lady (incase she runs away with Caren's phone)
After calling she wanted RM 50 from Caren.
So Caren had to driver all the way to idk where to get money.
Come on lah. it's just a scratch. and that little scratch is RM 50? WOW! Amazing! Damn good at calculation.
So that's why sh's lat.
the "LADY" even note down Caren's name, IC number(id for what), her Handphone number and more, i guess.
These people really kiam siap. haih.
at the same time when the "accident" happen, me and sis was already inside the library.
we were both outside theni couldn't wait anymore, i told my sis i'm going in. she insisted to wait for Caren, therefore i allow her to do so.
went in and can't find a place to sit, went back out and couldn't find my sister. aiks.
i'm alone.
So i went and sms my sis.
she went inside. hahahahhaha
i guess she went in after i went in too.
we "study" on the computer table.
cause mo more places left.
half way studying sis went out and came back with the news Caren was here and wanted my sis to teman her in her car (kancil)
Was said that the kacil was her mother's no nvm.
if it's her aunty's car then she's in trouble.
so my sis went and teman her, leaving me alone.
so i went outstairs to check whether there was a proper place to study.
saw Chia Wen there.
So went and talk with her for maybe 1 minute? LMAO
Then i went dowanstairs and took my Geo teks book form 2 (BTW f you have extra form 1 Geo can give me?)
went up and teman Chia Wen.
over there i really did study.
cause i had ntg to talk about with Chia wen.
then sis smsed saying where are you?
so i went down and found her and Caren sitting.
Caren was sitting at my place. URGH ( what happen to the "first come first server basis"? )
so she shifted my stuff to the other corner of the computer table.
And obviously i obeyed cause she in a bad mood.
after "studying" fir quite a while this lady came to me and said," Can i have your chair?"
Cause a Malay lady wanted to use the comp beside me and she didn't have any seat, therefore the librarian took my seat and gave it to her. smart eh? she couldn't manage to find her own seat and had to steal mine.
so i went up and seat with dear Chia Wen.
btw, everybody who went is form 5. i'm the only form 3.
So study and felt hungry, went downstairs t find food. didn't want to eat the things bought from King's s went to the sudut Makanan to eat.
ate maggi mee (one of the reasons why i didn't wanna eat king's stuff was because i missed THIS!)
So had to wait for the water to boil.
it took so freaking long.
another lady had to wait too. her daughters had ayam flavour and they finished the hot water, therefore had to make new wans.
so waited.
sis wanted to eat mee cup to, so she made me wait for the water to boil while she go teman
Caren and study.
so , yea. left alone again
at that time this lady wearing pink shirt came.
she open and take a look at my me cup.
she wanted to take it. till i told her this mee cup is owned.
then she asked where to get one, i sad there *points at the mee cup*
So she went and get one for herself.
then she came back to me and asked me where to pay i said there. *points to the counter*
i guesssed it's her first time buying food from the library.
but it was my pleasure to help her.
so waited, and waited and waited.
offed my phone cause O.F.B (Out Of Battery)
then at last it was boiled. the water i mean.
after idk how many minuts. maybe half and hour? (it does feel that long)
so i smsed my sister to come over and eat her mee cup.
while waiting i remembered someone called out Siew Lan, i turned and IDk who it was.
maybe his friend's name is Siew Lan and i'm being perasan. maybe.
cause i dont know him. LOL.
So we ate... then... Study.
i went back up. cause my stuff was there.
thought that Chia Wen would go back by the time i wnt up, but sh was still there, sitting helplessly on the chair.
maybe she felt bored. HEH. i obviously didn't talk to her. bad companion eh.
then her ftaher came, she left. i wanted to finish the taburan penduduk (form 2 GEo) on the spot, but sister came up and said library was closing.
so i packed, haven finish my revision.
and went to Carens car and sit ther, waiting for library to close and also waiting for mum to com and fetch us.
i was thinking about the PC far that was held 3 days including yesterday.
in PISA.
it was the last day yesterday, so i really, really wanted to go.
Mum came with Pizza VAn.
then i told mum my wish that is to go PC fair.
So mum said go back and bathe first so she can discuss with father.
i was like okayy.
since i get to wash myself so tak apa la.
went back and got bathed.
mum and dad said i bathed fast.
aka i mandi kerbau so i'm still dirty.
it's so F.A.K.E!
i bathed fast cause i really wanted to go.
i really, really wanted to go. it was like heaven to be there.
so mum ad dad diacuss, and i get to goo. wee.
but first headed to Queens to eat.
cause i was really empty.
for your info i feel hungry all the time and i know my health is not good, so dont remind me.
i know i should do smtg about it, but idk what to do.
So wen to quees and ate at Kenny Rogers.
love ther muffin.
one the best muffins in town. LOL.
after eating went to PISA!
finaly can go PC fair. was s happy.
mum critize my make up.
she said it was the ugliest make up she ever see me put.
lol. give me your comments about my make up.

the super blur PISA building.

the black and white.

in Queens (Kenny Rogers)

There goes my make up. LOL. xD

ugly, eh?
after buying our stuff, we went home.
then i study BM for ahile, couldn't stand it so went and sleep.
tiring day indeed.
went to Queen, PiSA, and Times Square the day before exam. wee.
that's all for sunday. bye. (btw i skipped tuition)

Saturday, August 8, 2009


so pmr trails is on monday.
yesterday we arrranged our tables.
obviously, i took my own table and chair. =)
and i'm proud to say i haven study for geo which is on friday.
believe it? or not?
Anyway yes i didn't study.
on monday we'll have:
  • Bahasa Melayu 2
  • bahasa melayu 1

on tuesday we have:

  • islam
  • kemahiran hidup (only for merah kelas)
  • bahasa Inggeris 1

since i'm in biru and i'm not islam, i'll take only BI

on friday we have

  • bahasa Inggeris 2
  • geografi

the scary wan is geografi.

so many to learn in so little time.

and it sucks fr not being able to study finish and sit for the exam.

so this time i wanna study finish before i sit for exam.
possible eh? x)
after this PMR trails (bersama) we will have another PMR trails set by school.
then later is the REAL PMR!

anyway just wanna say GOOD JOB to my junior, CHARISSA LIEW QIAN YI!
she practice oboe.
what a good junior she is eh? *and what a bad senior i am* tsk tsk
the reason i'm posting this is because she told me she practiced just now.
PROUD OF YOU GIRL! *if you're reading this now* =D
and sorry for not remembering your name

today the "AW" family got food fair.
as usual i woke up late.
was suppose to start at 9.
but for me i went the latest.
around at 10++?
btw, it's mbs food fair.
i heard times square got smtg on today too.. hmm...
so wet there and work.
i'm singing thepizzagirl in my head now. bla bla bla...
anyway meet some friends there.
Debbie(yen theng) nice job!
love your singing wih ker sing and others.
Kimberly and mable wasn't bad either.
you rock!
work till erm 1++
cause the pizzas all finish.
so no more ad.
not quite sure how much we sold.
but MBS food fair is sure successfull.
wonder how MGS food fair will be if there is one.
CPt had theirs, MBs too now.
so my job was to fold boxes at first.
then i changed to putting "chai" onto the pizza base.
my whole body stink after doing pizza.
sorry. randomness.
hope MGS will have food fair too yea.
btw the upcoming fairs that i'll be helping.
  • 23 August-River Road(indians)
  • 29 August-PISA (church)
  • 31 August-PISA (MERDEKA!)

fairs, fairs and fairs. lotsa fairs coming.



need a break.

pictures toook today after fair at home. =D

lying on my sister's bed

closing eyes.. relaxing...ahhh. so tired after fair

ahhh.... at last it's over

eeeeeyea!~ with my specs

but nt sure whether i'll get thee librarian or not.
i was interviewed by miss CHIA YUEN.
she wasn;t that strit.
many people say atiqah strict. true? *idk*
so i'll have to stay back on monday to thursday.
no sure whether need to stay back till what time. if you know till what time tell me kayy.
perasan. but i was really happy i got it. but all form 3s got it anyway, right?
and we'll have short test on fridays. it clashed with PMR bersama.
sigh. less time to study
quite a number of people didn't wanna go for it. the orientatin for 4 days. =D
looking forward for it.
Thanks all for this time. sayonara.
gotta go STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! *marchs into th room*

Saturday, August 1, 2009


long since i blog eh? ahha

o now i'm back.

for a few minutes?


so many things happen recently.

upp. too much to tell. even forgot most of them. ahha.

our family had enlarged.

with 4 new dogs / puppies.

will show you guys when i have the chance.

they are lovely.


i love them. ahha.

other people love them too.

yesterday i helped molly and natasha with their electronic.

i love electronic.



idk whyy.

i like pateri on frday

natasha didn't start her pateri at all.

i was like OMG!

after so many month(with kerja kayu also) she haven pateri.

not even one single leg.

so i helped her.

fromm the first leg of pateri to the last.

at first her' didn't ork.

she pasang the kutub of her LED wrong.


i think she did some of her pateri too.

i finished mine during the first period.

so i helped them.

molly did hers. hers only had light. no sound (or maybe the other way round)

after i finished mine i was suppose to go to pn jen's class.

but obviously i didn't.

later went to prangin wth jo yuin, jun yi and ai wynn.

had a great time with them. AWH! <3>
i enjoy the time.

wish that have more time with them.

but i was so worried that i couldn't finish mr. sara's hwk.

so we went there by jo yuin's car. a huge and beautiful carr.

ate at sushi king.

then went and walk.

visited alot of shops.

wanted to buy white shorts.

i forgot which shop.

but finding shorts size 26 is hard.

usually shorts are too big for me.

but i still wear them. obviously.

we went to bead zone.

didn't manage to look at the shop completely.

had to move on.

jun yi can't find the CD she wanted.

ai wyn bought the anime she wanted.

jo yuin other hand didn't buy the shoes she wanted.

went to vincci to check for her shoes.

i did't buy anything cause i wanted to jimat.

i bought the quite cheap food in sushi king.

and i was the wan who spend the least in sushi king that time.

i am seriously cutting down money.

i'll not spend on food or books but on clothes, make up bla bla.

finish walking then went to thee final shop, Giant

went and buy ice cream. jo yuin bought mentos for tuition later.

jo yun fetch me home and rushed my hwk like mad.

2 essays in so short time.

and i love the hasil.

it was nice.

would write out my karangan in i have the chance.

then jo yuin came and fetch me to tuition.
thanks jo!
Then after tuitio 5 pek fetch me to desa Green.
to work.
and i ought nw stuff.
loving them lots.
that's the recent stuff.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

my saturday.

i know i should have post saturday's post first but i was lazy. HEH.
so yesterday i woke up around 11?
then went and have breakfast with Uncla Alex and his wife. not son and daughter. *thank god*
spent lots of time there.
my father YAN CHA with him.
and usual grandfather stury.
but i enjoy him talking.
my father i mean.
the things he sayd make sense.
not rubbish talking.
even cousins from faraway dont mind him talking much.
he's entertaining.
but sometimes very fierce ... to me only. .. AIKS.
i kinda remember doing a time table. but it was ruined, BLAH.
almost all my time table are always ruined.
know why?
cause i didn't set time to eat and rest.
so anyways was studying.
forgot what sub.
and i got close to you.
i realised it was you who was missing me and not HIM.
so hmm...
like that la.
had been busy with studies.
great having time to spent with you all.
i know i rarely speak to ppl in msn,
will try to speak more. hehe.
sofar the only person who i can talk from start to end is my cousin. WOW!
<3 her. =D
i guess that's all for yesterday.
*pics soon again*


how i spent my Sundayy!

this morning woke up around 10 smtg.
then sis bathe.
and we went to Sungai Pinang food court to have brakfast. aka dim zum.
the food was nice. the chicken boxer wan was delicious... xD
after one hour wasting time there we went to the Penang state library.
i went with my sis first. then joined by some other companions.
so my sis find a plcae to sit then i went to look at the art exhibition..
it's nice. as in seriously nice.
some are really nice. there are drawing and painting from blind people or deaf people.
if they can draw and colour so can you, so dont complain and say that you can't pain or draw.
you're gifted with what every you have.
so use it properly.
i took some pics, as predicted.
some with my sis.
but can't upload them. sry.
it's about the malaysian and japanese art exhibition. or smtg like that.
there were too mnay for my eyes to see.
so i left and do my revision. started with KH.. then geo, followed by Science, Bm, and Maths.
meet some people there.
Gavin Foong, Khaw Jze Yuin *sorry if spell wrong*, another EX-MGSian *dont know your name*, and Sheng Hui. AND phei Qin and joe Shuan And KAREN!
meet sheng hui there unexpectedly.
so she came and sat with us. cause we had the whole table to ourselves.
so we were studying then pheiqin came with joe shuan with her.
i and sis was the first one who went. thank to karen who said she would go at 10 AM!
but she came after us. follwed by sheng hui and the two late wans phei qin and joe shuan.
half way stydying came Gavin foong.
i bet he dont know me. HEH.
but i'm sure he knows my sis. HAHA!
anyway he went after idk how long. glad seeing yo there. HEH
me and my sis stayed there till 6.
others went back early.
infact i was the last person to leave the library.
came back and had fish and chips.
and now blogging. xD
*pics coming soon* when i find my USB.


Saturday, July 11, 2009


i've just read someone's blog justnow..
and it impressed me.
it was about how a person love another person truefully...
and it's touching. i admit. xD
was smilling all the way after reading? LMAO
anyway nice job! wanting to read more post like that. ahhaha...



to all MGS ppl.
i know there are many schools who dont have bulanan 2 exams on monday.
but MGS do.
so Good luck to MGS people who have to spent their weekend studying.
sad eh?
me too. hi-5! *piak*
so i have to get good results myself. after 2 times of dissapointment.
cause i didn't study. but now i have my darling. wee.... jk.
anyway my father gave me the warning. RED LIGHT.
if i dont study he'll nag me till i cry and snatch my phone away from me.
lock me in my room and suffer.
nice? SO NOT!
so therefore i need to put more effort!



Friday, July 10, 2009


so i wanna say congratulations to
  • my dearest partner, CLARE ANTHONY!
  • and to the school MGS! for the successfull BACATON.

My partner went to the prefects interview. she said her speech and everything went well. and i of course helped her with her speech. ONLY ONE PARAGRAPH. and it's actually obvious that i gave her the idea. cause there was the word LOVE in it. LMAO. anyways she did said the paragraph i wrote for her. but her pandai pandai cut short it. i dont mind actually. it's her choise anyway. i LOVE her speech kayy. it's like so grand! after you read you'll like hear trumpet playing nice melody... it's nice.. to me at least. and farzana said it was nice also. YAY! anyways, she's a provationary prefect. therefore i can't do ilegal stuff. *pfft* but i still love her. LOL.

Our school had the Bacaton today. yuppp. the thing we collected, which make us collect minimum 50 ringgit. yeah. that one. so our class came out as the second runner up. the second class who collected the most. first was 1biru. CONGRATS ppl! i wonder why 1 B so active in this bacaton thinggy. come on lahh. it's koreking our money from OUR pocket. ISH. smart way to earn money. but i dont mind. to tell the truth. cause it's not my money. and our class get some money for ourselves. plus the recycling one, i hope we got enough money to go for class trip. i do want class trip. come on. like who doesn't? unless the people they hate are in the same class. LOL. jk. anyway there were also this price giving thinggy. they gave out A4 paper. everybody bursted into laughters.. hahhaa. but A4 is actually usefull kayy. you see paper in everyday life.. dont you just agree? i know you do. they gave umbrealls too. Mr Sara was ONE OF THE LUCKY person to get it. LOL. lucky ehh? *raise one eyebrow* haha. MAYBE. before that we had the reading section. i cn hear giggles and laughter and sound everywhere. it's not like we're really reading. but i know i am. wee. cause it allows me to touch my dear story book again. afterall i am not suppose to read them till after exam. but it's bacaton, right? so i am allowed. wee.

so this post is all about words. want me to put pic? sadly i have no pic. none for bacaton. *WENDY!!! can i take a look at the pics you have?*



Monday, July 6, 2009

some pics after a long long time eh...

so found my dear usb cable ad. happy? =D
Clare's "good luck and thank you" card from me

*did that with all my heart. to show how much i love her as my partner. i appreciate her. do you
feel the same towards your partner?* *didn't do pn cheach's hwk but i did that instead*


thsi is all fr now. thank you for viewing my blog. =]



so i'm back. after i dont knw how long.
miss me? no? sigh
so exam results had came out. now it's another exam which i believe many schools dont have. i wonder why. tsk tsk.
why is mgs so special that we need to have that exam? grrr.
anyways mgs ia great in a way. we have lotsa activity. almost every week can't to think of it. the learning festival 2 had ended. didn't had fun at all except tangram and also the book sale. xD
i'm into books but can't read them till PMR is over. suckish eh?
so today was the launcj of the bulan kecergasan. we had this people from idk where who gave us speech and my myy.... they're fierce...
and tomorrow we'll be getting our injections.. excited? no wayy....
so exam are on the 13th and i really need to work really really hard. infact VERY HARD.
so jia you in everything you do/...
and good luck to peple who have prefect interviews tomorrow. go CLARE!~

Monday, June 22, 2009

upcoming events

coming up next is PFS phanton of the opera *i dont know who to go with*
hong kong exchange *choir*
PMR trials *sigh*
PMR *finally the time has come*
hols hols hols hols. *would love to go on learning trip, but no one would organise in our class* pfft


i know my blog had been D.E.A.D.
tsk tsk
no oucs whatsoever.
but at least i'm still writing about hapennins eh..
gang show was on saturday.
went to watch with su fen and onglai. wendy didn't show up. =.=
eventually the performance are okayy.
some people are really nervous. my godd.
and shannen as usual shouting very loudly. ahha. we changed place many times bacause their shouting was making our ear deaf.
*warning listening to loud sound may harm your ear* whatsoever
sat morning i was suppose to go to gurney with yvonne and nai hung.
sorry girls
know i ppk you for idk how many times.
sorry kayy. not my fault.
kena grounded. but at least got to go out at night. =D
i had been putting on make up for like almost everyday since i had colour contacts.
i felt blank wearing colour contacts with no make up. sigh
nvm. forget it.
sunday had tuition and did the usual waste time stuff. i remembered i watched tv. and the magician code for maybe twice?
i've been watching night at the museum twice and the magic thinggy twice. maybe i should spent my time with other stuff instead.
i need to really study now. and here i wish Yong Chin congrats for getting in UKM and good luck in economy. =DD
we in penang will miss you kayy.
and sorry to phei qin yea for not replying to her in msn.
she wants to buy contact lens.
we too. ordering from this von von person who is rushing us like mad.
customers wan her to close batch soon. WTH.
that batch closes at 15 july kayy.
customers who can't wait dont buy la. ISHHH
and the dueba and GnG contact lens are unavailable. WTH
then why you so sell pula?
got official website lagi.
crap you all la weh.
i spent 228 on contact lens only. then my online shopping got soemore.
seriously need more cash. sigh.
for pmr if i get full a i'll get phone, laptop and camera. wee.
here i say sorry to all that i hurt before or maybe didn't care about you.
sometimes i'm evil. nyek nyek nyek.
lol. but deep inside i'm not okayy.
there's an angel in everyone of us. =]

Thursday, June 18, 2009


so today and yesterday was RE week.
i hear it's smtg that only our school did... true? idk.
they called this certain guy from somewhere.
sry. didn't know who and where he is from.
yesterday we went to kdu for the first part of RE week.
i sat with ai wynn, karine, clare anthoy, adeline anthony.
they were great!
i and karine talkk mostly even when the guy talked.
we talked about ghost stories. xD
but later ai wyn changed place with me cause i wanted to, i think. forgot why.
then i listen to him.
i want to rewind time and listen to him. ahha. i regreted. but i still love the time i spent with them. KARINE SANGMAN! ahahha. xD
never heard her sing before. and she blushed. whole face as red as tomato.
me and ai wyn was cold so we shifted place.
pss... karine's hand cold, eventhough ada sweat. and it feels good. xD
i enjoyed mmy time with them. me and clare, as partners sat together. AWH! *sweetnya*
so today ws part 2.
i again, sit with ai wyn.
with clare too. and karine. same row. but we shiifted place. ended up sitting with janice and nai hung.
at last i burst into tears. xD
but last year i felt the presecnce of god more than this year. maybe cause i know my parents wont let.
my mother somehow dont agree.
i asked her whether could i join SCF.
then she kinda gives the disagree face.
i'll always be here with god!
btw, i'm buddhist. =]

Saturday, June 6, 2009


after prechoralffest there is surely to have choralffest.
so yesterday was the first day.
it's the third choralffest now.
i need to sell my ticets out.
so if you need extra tickets, you can get them from me.
i got 5.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


i'm bck from my trip to kl.
missed penang so much.
had fun time in kl, i guess.
except the no money part.
no money really no talk wan.
had been missing me? no?
anyway, i bought more books than beauty stuff this time. suprised?
i just remembered i haven blog about my previous trip to kl eh?
will try to blog that soon.
mayb i said it to early.
i came back yesterday.
at 6 am.
so i kinda rested the whole day.
no online.
so today i'll be having choralffest again.
anyway gotta prepare.
byee peeps.
thanks to mable who will be fetching me again.
thanks lots.
love you guys..


Monday, June 1, 2009

i wasn't me.

today again, i had seepless night
sleep had been really not-nice for me.
it's like i had to wake up t ngiht for no reason.
and it's kinda irritating.
i want to sleep, and findmyself awake the next morning.
however, i can't
woke up around 12 today.
had biscuit as lunch *bla bla*
had been spending my whole day reading new moon.
not mine.
yean shinq's.
thank girl, for lending me the book.
i didn't eat ecause i was reading.
no1. reading so isnt my thing, but people may change.
no2. m body was not lik me. the usual me.
i was super duper lay.
like WTH.
it didn't wat to function, just wanted to read read read.
so mom bought food back.
i had been havingprobs eating btw.
i haven been having enough
sucks, right?
i can't control my body.
it's like i want to do smtg, but my body doesn't
ARGH! i'll get over it. dont know when.
will be having choir pratice later.
mable will be fetching.
thanks t her too.


will be away...

since it's hols and my sis will have smg to do in KL, we'll be going.

my mom, sis and i.

will be going there for two days

2nd and third.

gonna miss you guys in penang.


Sunday, May 31, 2009


Went to prechoralfest on Saturay.
was in group Arioso with seok feng, alicia, and carmen yeoh.
but carmen yeoh changed to D.
bla bla bla.
*goes singing*
so went there aroun 2.30.
reached aroun 2.50
ten minutes earlier.
seok feng was there ad.
waiting for the slow coach to reach. =D
she was the first wan to reached.
followed by me, hui jun and wenday.
alicia didn't come cause she will be in kl, or somewhere else.
so after the long wait, wendy reached and we just followed her.
was suppose to take care f seok feng and hui jun.
hui jun is a form 1 student but she's taller than me and seok feng. GOSH!
i feel so damn short.
so we went to bilik whatever (dont know it's name) for warm up.
then arioso dtayed there while grou B went to another room.
dont bother to ask me what the name is.
cause i wont know.
i forgot the songs we sang. xD
it's me so normal. i'll forget the tune to maybe. sigh.
that day neet with the peng hua girl.
the one who had another person same face with her, but not sisters.
she was in alto
the peng hua sops are good. *undur diri*
i know i'm baddd.
then we exchanged oom with the group B.
we went downstairs.
the alto peng hua girl was cold.
so did .
we sat right under the air cond.
jonathan was uaware that we were cold.
no one replied his talk.
even when he speaked hokkien.
we (me and the peng hua alto)
ran our when he said rest 5 minutes.
damn freaking cold.
they were smart enough to wear socks, in other words sport shoes.
i wore slippers.
so my toes were freezing.
hands were cold.
like ice.
lateron after the rest i wore my jacket.
during the break, saw sally, eileen, charmine and other there.
they went to watch the dance or smtg.
i didn't know there was something on.
then after break we continued praticing the song.
want choralffest ticket can get from me.


Saturday, May 30, 2009


i know teachers day should be on 16 may.
but it's a tradition to tunda it later
we had ours on friday.
one week anversery after i was sick.
but that day i woke up around 7.
rushed to school.
was not sure whether i should have gone or not.
so we had to pass up KH folio on friday
three folio a week.
damn la
Give us a break
so as usual, line up to hall.
bla bla
our theme this year.
conbination of jungle and safari.
ideas of form 4 prefects.
speech speech speech.
the performance
i thought there would be nice performance, but thruthfully speaking, nothing impressed me.
around 6 performance was performed.
and i can te you.
only 2 performance wasn't from indian.
the whle thing wasmostly about INDIAN DANCE.
heavens sake la. so many indian dance for what.
impress mr sara and kannan is it?
then had class party after that.
the end.
*got more, but lazy*
~Siew Lan~

Friday, May 29, 2009

yesterday was SUFFERING DAY!

Suffering day is really suffering.
DOUBLE suffering.
started the day as normal. went to school.
felt unhealthy.
like stomach pain.
didn't finished my geo folio *which i stayed up late to do*
so had to rush them out.
first period was PJ a.k.a. Pendidikan Jasmani dan rohani.
so had to change to Pj clothes.had to bring 2 pairs of clothes to change that day. GRR.
so miss Sarah was waiting in the gym. with her blue baju kurung on. i was like WTH! even you are not changed.
so she started talking. had to divide our class to 3 groups.
OBVIOUSLY THAT group wont accept me.
then molly had a group ad.
and that group was full.
no space for me.
so i joined the group with Cassandra they all.
kinda awkward,
cause we dont talk in class.
miss sarah wanted us to mix.
it was about team work.
since i joined cassandra's group. there were two indians, sharmuga and also monissha.
miss sarah wanted us to be diff races. so either one of them had to go to other groups.
at last monissha went.
cassandra looked kekok at first.
but later she was not anymore i guess. wasn't really paying attention to her.
onglai and sf came after thier prefects job. =.=
onglai joined our group.
so we had 8 people.
with 16 foots.
and we were suppose to walk with only 6 feets to the ending line.
we had to figure out ways to move.
so we had 7 people including me.
they are ivy, wei sin, cassandra, onglai, farah, sharmuga, kuan min.
i guess that's all our group members.
so we went cracking our heads.
not everybody.
actually it was ivy who did all the thinking at first.
but some other people started voicing out too.
including me.
all the ideas came out.
including nonsensible wants.
but we do love how we cooperate later on.
in the end, only two teams made it to the end.
BTW, there were 4 grous all together.
erica's group and ours.
we took 45 minutes to guess out how to walk there and actually use that idea to walk there.
we needed lots of fizial strength, which i obviously dont have.
i fell flat to the tar court.
i now have blue black mark on my leg *will be wearing jeans* =D
later i felt so weaty. LMAO
then had maths later i guessed
was rushing to finish up mygeo golio.
before i coul even finish, i felt sick.
like i wanted to sleep. so much.
then later i went to choir. after i finished my folio.
with air cond.
they learnt movements.
which i didn't.
i was lucky that i didn't collaps during choir.
later i didn't stayed for orchestra.
couldn't stand it.
o i went back and leep.
when i woke up i went to father's room
they said my puppy, BOBO went to the vet.
ate racun.
i didn't care much wan.
then went to seep again.
woke up half way when parents came back.
with BOBo, of course.
then they shouted BOBo, BOBO!
i thought tht they were calling him cause he ran out of the house.
when i went out, he was gasping for air.
the damn racun attacking. BLOODY SHIT MIA RACUN!
he looked fine in the vet after a few suntikan, sad by my maid
i look so pityful
then my parnets took him to the vet again.
but i had to go seee clinic too.
i was sick kayy.
so my maid walked me to klinik west jelutong.
we ended up talking about BOBO more than talking about me.
the person in the clinic thought he was the one sick.
cause i had a bad headache and decided to sit first.
while she registers for me
so since he was sick, still down with sorethroat, made the person think that she was the sick wan.
but it was actually me...
so the doctor said sleep early. *mean i got no enough sleep* thanks to geo and sej folio
eat less fried food and drink more water
that was the threeconditions she agve me.
and obviousy i do not listen.
so went home and took the medicine.
half way taking them, i went behind to vomit. *vomited twice*
then parents came back.
BOBO wasn't qitht them anymore.
then i burst to tears.
went to ly down on my maids bed.
my bed double decker.
lazy climb up
then my sis's puppy turn to kea affecte by racun.
i didn't want to see him die so i went to the room again.
then fell asleep.
slpt till the next morning.
my fever was gone.
so i went to school for teachers day

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


as the title says..
exam results are out.
and mine was really really bad.
as in very bad.
i , myself didn't expect to gfet so low. *compare to other exam last time*
i will try to study hard. keyy word. : TRY.
as i said.. i'm being lazy lately.
all i do is mostly copy. *OMG*
and it's definetely a bad bad thing.
tsk tsk to myself.
today we had to pass up sej folio.
and tomorrow Geo.
all the folios.
this week need to pass up KH folio also.
darn the folios.
hehe. xD
today we had choir pratice also.
as usual miss khoo came.
i had a wonderful time eating my beloved KFC.
the other coir members went up when they saw miss khoo.
while me, su fen and chui yi took our own sweet time.
by the time i ate finish, miss khoo was here but in the canteen eating. guess she haven had her lunch back then.
and as usual, i threw the rest of the KFCs to my sis.
i gave her
  • Chicken drumstick and breast *or whatever part that was*
  • the potato
  • bread
  • erm.. erm.. what's that call.. er... Ahhh! WEDGES. xD

think that's all. the thing i didn't give her was of course the drink. hehe. dont wanna share saliva. but Chui yi drank it. and i guess i dont mind.

choir was... er.. okay la.

if miss khoo is not here, it's definetely BORING.

as in damn boring.

some people were not here when the second pratice were on. and miss khoo realised. LOL.

pss... who going choralffest? *let me know*

and who wants to go choralffest? *tickets with me*

and all i can say is life in school is suckish. it's like we have fights everywhere.

no peace . ONLY WAR.

especially our class.


you know the thing call envy. HEH. yeah. it's all about envy. GRRR. ok. enough. Cut it out.

since exam results are back, obviously it's time to do corrections.

but i wont do them. hehe.

molly said we dont need to rush, cause afterall we wont be in class.

choir pratice will be at 10.45 am.

early? HEH. that's after recess. YAY! gonna skip class. gonna skipp class. *WEE*

gotta go do Geo folio ad. byee peeps.



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

busy... busy...

so today went to school as usual...
had choir pratice too.
and we were told to pass up sej folio tomorrow.
so i'm rushing to finish all tonight.
but still i come online. =D
my puppy almost bite my folio. T.T
i dont wanna redo it.
i did the same thing for almost 5 times now.
and the teacher still call me redo.
i'm very pist off.
waste my ink and time.
so going back to folio.


Monday, May 25, 2009


from the title you know it's about my sis.
today she recieved a letter.
which states that she needs to take her singapore test on the 6 and 7th of June.
So proud of her. CONGRATS CE!
*yes, ce is what i call her*
my sis have been wanting to go singapore to study. glad that her dream may come true. =DD
pity her.
she have to study again.
no break for her.
but i know she can handle it.
it's Siew Bee for a reason.
her name poped up in the Star. could check it in star online.
*for Dublin essay i mean*
on the 2 and 3rd we would be going to KL *again for my sis and mom*
now going back to what i was doing. byee.


A Bad day indeed.

i'm still sad aobout what happen.
so dnt really have the mood to do things.
wont be coming online today, i guess.
seriously not in the mood.
got back englis, maths and moral marks.
went out during moral so i dont know my marks.
guess that's all for now. byee people.
gonna spend my time alone.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Everythings so sudden!

i'm really down now.
smtg happened and realised i had a great lose.
i feel so bad that when i close my eyes i remember of you.
everything feels so wrong.
i need you beside me.
pls do come back.


woke up aound 9 smtg today...
wasted my time with watching tv...
ate lunch at 1...
went to tuition...
later went to the renovated MCD in greenlane.
Check out their drive thru..
but you have to wait there for a long long time.
so make sure you free then use drive thru. or not you may be unpatient.=D
will be watching tv today and also finish up my folio. *being kuai kia*

Saturday, May 23, 2009


so today's my dad's bday.
but me and m sister was such in a lazy mood.
eaten lunch in Maygarden.
May garden people should really learn manners.
they dropped "Teh" onto my father.
among everyone there.
it had to be .... My Father.
and again they spilt "teh" but the second time not onto anyone.
they better dont.
eaten salad prawn, babi *totaly didn't realised we ate babi when there's swine flu*, tofu, and fish.
suprisingly i almost eaten all the dishes.
pictures will be updated when the uSB comes back to me. *wonder when*
we munch up the whole plate. we're hungry.
Tham Chiak. *that's what you call us*

i ended up screwing my day afterall.
if you ask me what i did today.
i can only tell you that i mostly slept.
it's like read book till sleep.
*i haven finish reading new moon. GOSH! had been having them since i dont know when.
LMAO.gotta fininish reading it*
room still not cleaned. *laughsoutloud*
what else not done?

Friday, May 22, 2009

HappY Saturday!

morning! *yawns*
it's now around 10 am.
had breakfast yet? no?
me too. LMAO
so parents are back and i was suppose to go to gurney with molly today...
but it seems like there's no news from her.
we planned to watch night in the musuem 2.
guess we're not going anymore.
i want to spend today meaningfully.
you know?
like doing something that matters, and not wasting time.
wasting time have been what i did recently.
so i wanna change...

Any suggestions of what to do today?
guess not.
Anyways.. i just remembered of one important thing.
gotta finish them. including pn jen's dear KH folio.
total up got 3 folios to do.
i almost finish my kayu. WEE... i've been having sleepless nights because of my kayu k!
my electric? NAH.

today's his birthday.
*actually i totaly forgot about his bday* HAHA
and "happy birthday to ephraim too *his bday was yesterday*

going to eat breakfast.