Thursday, June 18, 2009


so today and yesterday was RE week.
i hear it's smtg that only our school did... true? idk.
they called this certain guy from somewhere.
sry. didn't know who and where he is from.
yesterday we went to kdu for the first part of RE week.
i sat with ai wynn, karine, clare anthoy, adeline anthony.
they were great!
i and karine talkk mostly even when the guy talked.
we talked about ghost stories. xD
but later ai wyn changed place with me cause i wanted to, i think. forgot why.
then i listen to him.
i want to rewind time and listen to him. ahha. i regreted. but i still love the time i spent with them. KARINE SANGMAN! ahahha. xD
never heard her sing before. and she blushed. whole face as red as tomato.
me and ai wyn was cold so we shifted place.
pss... karine's hand cold, eventhough ada sweat. and it feels good. xD
i enjoyed mmy time with them. me and clare, as partners sat together. AWH! *sweetnya*
so today ws part 2.
i again, sit with ai wyn.
with clare too. and karine. same row. but we shiifted place. ended up sitting with janice and nai hung.
at last i burst into tears. xD
but last year i felt the presecnce of god more than this year. maybe cause i know my parents wont let.
my mother somehow dont agree.
i asked her whether could i join SCF.
then she kinda gives the disagree face.
i'll always be here with god!
btw, i'm buddhist. =]

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