Monday, August 10, 2009


i'm blogging for yesterday.
so yesterday i should be studying like mad because exam is the next day.
but it was indeed the other way round.
on the morning woke up and rushed to Sungai Pinang food court.
cause wanna open shop.
then went to Times Square for breakfast.
In Roti BAKAR. Wee.
went with mother and sis.
dad went to "yam cha"
The food there was okayy lahh.
i wasn't in the mood of eating so HEH.
but it tasted quite nice lah.
not bad.
(the chocolate they give so little, but on the picture they put so much!)

Mummy at "Roti Bakar" aka "kopitiam"

Me, taken when i was in kopitiam. ugly eh?

After eating went to Tesco.
Long since i shop.
who doesn't anyway? (ignore the fact that money flies out of our pocket)
After shopping in Tesco for stationary (URGH. Obviously didn't get EVERYTHING i wanted) went to The Penang State Library.
with sister. and the late-comer= Caren
She was late cause her car got into an accident (if it's even one)
the prob was she terbump into idk what car on th way to the library.
then the owner (known as a lady) sued Caren for hitting her car.
The scratch on her car doesn't seem like kena hit. A.K.A the lady eye smtg wrong (whoops)
the scratch was very small, according to the victim, Caren.
The Lady borrowed Caren's Phone to call her son/daughter (whichever)
Caren kept her eyes on to the lady (incase she runs away with Caren's phone)
After calling she wanted RM 50 from Caren.
So Caren had to driver all the way to idk where to get money.
Come on lah. it's just a scratch. and that little scratch is RM 50? WOW! Amazing! Damn good at calculation.
So that's why sh's lat.
the "LADY" even note down Caren's name, IC number(id for what), her Handphone number and more, i guess.
These people really kiam siap. haih.
at the same time when the "accident" happen, me and sis was already inside the library.
we were both outside theni couldn't wait anymore, i told my sis i'm going in. she insisted to wait for Caren, therefore i allow her to do so.
went in and can't find a place to sit, went back out and couldn't find my sister. aiks.
i'm alone.
So i went and sms my sis.
she went inside. hahahahhaha
i guess she went in after i went in too.
we "study" on the computer table.
cause mo more places left.
half way studying sis went out and came back with the news Caren was here and wanted my sis to teman her in her car (kancil)
Was said that the kacil was her mother's no nvm.
if it's her aunty's car then she's in trouble.
so my sis went and teman her, leaving me alone.
so i went outstairs to check whether there was a proper place to study.
saw Chia Wen there.
So went and talk with her for maybe 1 minute? LMAO
Then i went dowanstairs and took my Geo teks book form 2 (BTW f you have extra form 1 Geo can give me?)
went up and teman Chia Wen.
over there i really did study.
cause i had ntg to talk about with Chia wen.
then sis smsed saying where are you?
so i went down and found her and Caren sitting.
Caren was sitting at my place. URGH ( what happen to the "first come first server basis"? )
so she shifted my stuff to the other corner of the computer table.
And obviously i obeyed cause she in a bad mood.
after "studying" fir quite a while this lady came to me and said," Can i have your chair?"
Cause a Malay lady wanted to use the comp beside me and she didn't have any seat, therefore the librarian took my seat and gave it to her. smart eh? she couldn't manage to find her own seat and had to steal mine.
so i went up and seat with dear Chia Wen.
btw, everybody who went is form 5. i'm the only form 3.
So study and felt hungry, went downstairs t find food. didn't want to eat the things bought from King's s went to the sudut Makanan to eat.
ate maggi mee (one of the reasons why i didn't wanna eat king's stuff was because i missed THIS!)
So had to wait for the water to boil.
it took so freaking long.
another lady had to wait too. her daughters had ayam flavour and they finished the hot water, therefore had to make new wans.
so waited.
sis wanted to eat mee cup to, so she made me wait for the water to boil while she go teman
Caren and study.
so , yea. left alone again
at that time this lady wearing pink shirt came.
she open and take a look at my me cup.
she wanted to take it. till i told her this mee cup is owned.
then she asked where to get one, i sad there *points at the mee cup*
So she went and get one for herself.
then she came back to me and asked me where to pay i said there. *points to the counter*
i guesssed it's her first time buying food from the library.
but it was my pleasure to help her.
so waited, and waited and waited.
offed my phone cause O.F.B (Out Of Battery)
then at last it was boiled. the water i mean.
after idk how many minuts. maybe half and hour? (it does feel that long)
so i smsed my sister to come over and eat her mee cup.
while waiting i remembered someone called out Siew Lan, i turned and IDk who it was.
maybe his friend's name is Siew Lan and i'm being perasan. maybe.
cause i dont know him. LOL.
So we ate... then... Study.
i went back up. cause my stuff was there.
thought that Chia Wen would go back by the time i wnt up, but sh was still there, sitting helplessly on the chair.
maybe she felt bored. HEH. i obviously didn't talk to her. bad companion eh.
then her ftaher came, she left. i wanted to finish the taburan penduduk (form 2 GEo) on the spot, but sister came up and said library was closing.
so i packed, haven finish my revision.
and went to Carens car and sit ther, waiting for library to close and also waiting for mum to com and fetch us.
i was thinking about the PC far that was held 3 days including yesterday.
in PISA.
it was the last day yesterday, so i really, really wanted to go.
Mum came with Pizza VAn.
then i told mum my wish that is to go PC fair.
So mum said go back and bathe first so she can discuss with father.
i was like okayy.
since i get to wash myself so tak apa la.
went back and got bathed.
mum and dad said i bathed fast.
aka i mandi kerbau so i'm still dirty.
it's so F.A.K.E!
i bathed fast cause i really wanted to go.
i really, really wanted to go. it was like heaven to be there.
so mum ad dad diacuss, and i get to goo. wee.
but first headed to Queens to eat.
cause i was really empty.
for your info i feel hungry all the time and i know my health is not good, so dont remind me.
i know i should do smtg about it, but idk what to do.
So wen to quees and ate at Kenny Rogers.
love ther muffin.
one the best muffins in town. LOL.
after eating went to PISA!
finaly can go PC fair. was s happy.
mum critize my make up.
she said it was the ugliest make up she ever see me put.
lol. give me your comments about my make up.

the super blur PISA building.

the black and white.

in Queens (Kenny Rogers)

There goes my make up. LOL. xD

ugly, eh?
after buying our stuff, we went home.
then i study BM for ahile, couldn't stand it so went and sleep.
tiring day indeed.
went to Queen, PiSA, and Times Square the day before exam. wee.
that's all for sunday. bye. (btw i skipped tuition)

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