Saturday, August 8, 2009


so pmr trails is on monday.
yesterday we arrranged our tables.
obviously, i took my own table and chair. =)
and i'm proud to say i haven study for geo which is on friday.
believe it? or not?
Anyway yes i didn't study.
on monday we'll have:
  • Bahasa Melayu 2
  • bahasa melayu 1

on tuesday we have:

  • islam
  • kemahiran hidup (only for merah kelas)
  • bahasa Inggeris 1

since i'm in biru and i'm not islam, i'll take only BI

on friday we have

  • bahasa Inggeris 2
  • geografi

the scary wan is geografi.

so many to learn in so little time.

and it sucks fr not being able to study finish and sit for the exam.

so this time i wanna study finish before i sit for exam.
possible eh? x)
after this PMR trails (bersama) we will have another PMR trails set by school.
then later is the REAL PMR!

anyway just wanna say GOOD JOB to my junior, CHARISSA LIEW QIAN YI!
she practice oboe.
what a good junior she is eh? *and what a bad senior i am* tsk tsk
the reason i'm posting this is because she told me she practiced just now.
PROUD OF YOU GIRL! *if you're reading this now* =D
and sorry for not remembering your name

today the "AW" family got food fair.
as usual i woke up late.
was suppose to start at 9.
but for me i went the latest.
around at 10++?
btw, it's mbs food fair.
i heard times square got smtg on today too.. hmm...
so wet there and work.
i'm singing thepizzagirl in my head now. bla bla bla...
anyway meet some friends there.
Debbie(yen theng) nice job!
love your singing wih ker sing and others.
Kimberly and mable wasn't bad either.
you rock!
work till erm 1++
cause the pizzas all finish.
so no more ad.
not quite sure how much we sold.
but MBS food fair is sure successfull.
wonder how MGS food fair will be if there is one.
CPt had theirs, MBs too now.
so my job was to fold boxes at first.
then i changed to putting "chai" onto the pizza base.
my whole body stink after doing pizza.
sorry. randomness.
hope MGS will have food fair too yea.
btw the upcoming fairs that i'll be helping.
  • 23 August-River Road(indians)
  • 29 August-PISA (church)
  • 31 August-PISA (MERDEKA!)

fairs, fairs and fairs. lotsa fairs coming.



need a break.

pictures toook today after fair at home. =D

lying on my sister's bed

closing eyes.. relaxing...ahhh. so tired after fair

ahhh.... at last it's over

eeeeeyea!~ with my specs

but nt sure whether i'll get thee librarian or not.
i was interviewed by miss CHIA YUEN.
she wasn;t that strit.
many people say atiqah strict. true? *idk*
so i'll have to stay back on monday to thursday.
no sure whether need to stay back till what time. if you know till what time tell me kayy.
perasan. but i was really happy i got it. but all form 3s got it anyway, right?
and we'll have short test on fridays. it clashed with PMR bersama.
sigh. less time to study
quite a number of people didn't wanna go for it. the orientatin for 4 days. =D
looking forward for it.
Thanks all for this time. sayonara.
gotta go STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! *marchs into th room*

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