Friday, November 13, 2009

Cameron highlands trip (Leadership camp)

the leadership camp was help from 6 of november to 9th of november.
the camp was joined by PRS and librarian students.
Teachers who followed are Pn. annie, Miss Lim Bee Ling, and Miss sarah Ng.
the placed we stayed was Jurina lodge at tanah Rata.
Students from 3B were Siew Lan, Huey Yuen, Natasha, Filzah, Ruzaina, Yeisha, Joyuin.
only from 3 and 4 came.
The first day we went to cameron at 1 smtg. left penang after moved everything from bilik masakan and from Pn annie's counseling room to the bus.
jo Yuin was the last one to come among the form 3B's so she had to sit without us *end up sitting with shu hui*
i sat with natasha, Huey Yuen with yeisha.

Once we reached Cameron at around 7 smtg, we formed a line to the lodge and pass the things into the bungalow.
we went to the bus and took our own luggage.
then headed to the bungalow.
Miss Gark gave us the room at first she gave us Room 1 (that is Uncle/the bus drivers room)
then turn up our room was room 3.
5 people in our room was: ME, Yeisha, Natasha, Huey Yuen, jo Yuin.

then we left for FOOD!
went to "T cafe"
i ordered fish and Chips, and drink: 100 plus.
but me being me, i didn't eat finish. everyone helped me to finish my meal. =)
went back to lodge then had ice breaking session. used real name and nicknames.

Jo Yuin: jojo
huey yuen: Sexy
Natasha: ??? (forgot)
me: ASL

then went into room and choose where is our corner.
mine: near the toilet and dustbin =.= *it was the nearest to me & i guess the largest place xD*
Yeisha:between both the queen size bed
Hy, Jy and natasha: near the cupboard, under the dressing table

the most smelly toilet of all the rooms. urgh.
but we manage to survive with the toilet anyway. *tip: spray perfume every hour (except sleep)*
the first night, me and Natasha slept one bed, jo and sha one bed and hy on the extra bed on the floor.
i slept and woke up the next morning but many people complain that they can't sleep well during the first night.
and i can tell you. the first night, the weather was extremely COLD!
and there were people laughing at my pyjamas. IGNORE THAT.

The second day it was Jo yuins group to do duty.
btw, ALL of us was in diff group.
1st: HY(leader)
2nd: JY
4th: me

they made omelet with potato in it. Nice *thumbs up*
after that all of us were rushing to bathe, so pn annie said: ONE DAY BATHE ONCE. =)
and believe me, the water is freezing cold (eventually cause the heater not functioning)

after that we went to the TEA plantation at idk where.
the scnery was so nice and beautiful.
the air was fresh. not like in Penang. =X
me and the so SHY Huey Yuen
me, Huen Yuen and Jo Yuin's beautiful hands. LOL.
Ah SHAAA! Muak. xD
See! Now sha si LAN SI!
Candid shot by ME!!! xD: sha and sha is busy yawning.
:both girls mis right hand is up
:both wear matching colour shirts (natasha likes purple and yeisha is wearing Purple!! aiseh)
:one darked skin, one fair.
:both very chubi.
:both wear long sleeve
:both wear specs (sha wearing contact in this pic but she do wear specs)
:both were at the tea plantation! hahaha
pn annie was the first to go up and see the tea plantations.
we followed behind.
i was sweating like mad.
went up and end up stuck.
need to pass the muddy place again. EWWWW!
we used the muddy place till grace (librarian president) fell then she told us this way dont use sliperry.
go we used long cut.
i wear so many layers made me sweat more, but we bathed that morning, so can't bathe the whole day ad.
after that pn annie asked us whether we wanna go to the hiking. RM 30 for 9km (a mini bus will bring us up)
some not sure but said yes.
then she found a lady /uncle that said can give discount. bring us to that place at the price of RM20
we said OK so she order and booked a place for us
then when went home, alot dont wanna go. so she had to cancel the trip.
Pn annie was angry, i guess.
She said we had no leadership skill cause

1. we ponteng school on friday (some of us)
2. we agreed and promise ppl that we wanna go the place, but suddenly changed our mind.
she said yes means yes, no means no.

then lunch time. most went out and eat. i didn't one. cause at tea plantation when open my purse felt so broke. wanna save money. xD
so i stayed at the lodge and eat mee cup.
a lot of people stayed too and eat mee cup
but after a while all hilang ad. idk go where
when i finish eating went and clean my shoes.
went out again everybody gone, left the malay group and me.
i'm alone in the room then played gb. (game boy)
then they all come back, saved the game then our group did steamboat.
shold start at 1 oclock but no one was there
then we did steam boat.
Sue Ting ang Hwee Ting was the cook. we were suppose to peel off the meng kuang skin then take out the foods then bla bla.
we hold and wash the foods till our hands so cold.
some of us our hands can't move ad. too cold mia pasal.
after that we set the table and makan time.
i sat the same table with Ang Li man and gang and our rooommates.
i sat beside czen Yhi. *pss... saw chen yhi's mother at gurney on the 6th*
both of us small eater.
total opposite. but she had diarea or smtg like that so not feeling well.

after makan we just left the thigns first and went for amazing race.
group 4 ROCKSSS! *whoops*
our groups members who played were : ME, czen Yhi, Ruzaina, Asyikin, shu hui, vivien!!!
i weny hyper! xD
bla bla bla bla bla
we weren't the first after all. haih. nvm la.
love the sevi(our group leader)'s station task. hahahahahaha.
it was raining, then stop, then rain, then stop. haih. i left my umbrella at pn. annie's station.
played gasing on that day too. xD
went back, then group 4 clean the kitchen and the BBQ corner.
after that got short meeting then got games.
the signature game.
i only signed for one or 2 person only. haha
HELLO! CHEN YHI ADMIRES .. .. ..... !!! (fill in the blanks. MGSians, i'm sure you know this!)
then sleep time.
i forgot which night did hy told her bed time story. lol.
the third day, Natasha's group had to wake up early.
they made bihun mee and idk what.
i didn't eat. sorry.
i ate my own biscuit. i didn't feel so well that day.
after that went for hiking. it wasn't even tiring ok!
i swt more the day before when was hiking the tea plantation.
but nvm la. the stream there was so small but the water fall was nice and beautiful. pity can't go down and play in it. =/
me, jo yuin, yeisha and hy were the last few ones that went up the bas the latest. besides pn annie.
miss lim followed the rest up the bass. and miss sarah at home taking care of the WHOLE-ROOM-SICK patients. the whole room of form 4's were sick around 5 or 6 of them.
hope they're well now.
after that we had the 3D puzzle games.
i finished the hole one!! and the pyramid.
after that group 5 prepared BBQ while i.... NOT SAYING (you'll see later)
after that had BBQ. LOVE THE MARSHMELLOW BBQ! ahhaha. i berought my own but i didn't take out. for pn annie said i had to change my nutritions. =S
after BBQ had a meeting then went to pasar malam.
however, the pasar malam closed. urgh.
so went to the sovenior shop.
went home, Tidur.
Our last night there, so we were allowed to sleep late, but no noise starting from 11pm.
however, we were sleepy and sleep early. pn annie, garce and czen yhi played cards outside.
the next day jojo's group incharge of breakfast.
we eat... Pancake! with banana.
and i didn't eat again.
eat my own biscuit.
then packs and leave.
was suppose to leave at 9.30 but we tangguh and take pics till 11. hahaha
then went to strawberry farm 1, strawberry farm 2 then souvenior shop then home.
but we're okay la.
i bought 2 things for non family members.
the trip was fun afterall. most of our roommates were homesick and wanted to go back a.s.a.p cause tak tahan the dirty and cold water. so yea.
we survived! yay!
reached penang about 8 ++ pm then go esplanade eat, go home tidur.

*more pics to come*


jojo said...

aw..i am not the last!!!!i came and them i ran to the library to call ruzaina and filzah!!!!!! and don't say until i so kesian can ah(say until like i am so lonely!i got my ipod and hp with me...)!!!!!!

AnGeLiNe aW SiEw lAn said...

lol. ok lo. sorry lo. i didn't know you go and call them ma.

jojo said...

hmmm...your apologize are accepted....hahaha

AnGeLiNe aW SiEw lAn said...

lol. thank you. thank you. haha. the czen yhi wan you always perli also i got post. the .. .. .....! hahahaha