Friday, May 29, 2009

yesterday was SUFFERING DAY!

Suffering day is really suffering.
DOUBLE suffering.
started the day as normal. went to school.
felt unhealthy.
like stomach pain.
didn't finished my geo folio *which i stayed up late to do*
so had to rush them out.
first period was PJ a.k.a. Pendidikan Jasmani dan rohani.
so had to change to Pj clothes.had to bring 2 pairs of clothes to change that day. GRR.
so miss Sarah was waiting in the gym. with her blue baju kurung on. i was like WTH! even you are not changed.
so she started talking. had to divide our class to 3 groups.
OBVIOUSLY THAT group wont accept me.
then molly had a group ad.
and that group was full.
no space for me.
so i joined the group with Cassandra they all.
kinda awkward,
cause we dont talk in class.
miss sarah wanted us to mix.
it was about team work.
since i joined cassandra's group. there were two indians, sharmuga and also monissha.
miss sarah wanted us to be diff races. so either one of them had to go to other groups.
at last monissha went.
cassandra looked kekok at first.
but later she was not anymore i guess. wasn't really paying attention to her.
onglai and sf came after thier prefects job. =.=
onglai joined our group.
so we had 8 people.
with 16 foots.
and we were suppose to walk with only 6 feets to the ending line.
we had to figure out ways to move.
so we had 7 people including me.
they are ivy, wei sin, cassandra, onglai, farah, sharmuga, kuan min.
i guess that's all our group members.
so we went cracking our heads.
not everybody.
actually it was ivy who did all the thinking at first.
but some other people started voicing out too.
including me.
all the ideas came out.
including nonsensible wants.
but we do love how we cooperate later on.
in the end, only two teams made it to the end.
BTW, there were 4 grous all together.
erica's group and ours.
we took 45 minutes to guess out how to walk there and actually use that idea to walk there.
we needed lots of fizial strength, which i obviously dont have.
i fell flat to the tar court.
i now have blue black mark on my leg *will be wearing jeans* =D
later i felt so weaty. LMAO
then had maths later i guessed
was rushing to finish up mygeo golio.
before i coul even finish, i felt sick.
like i wanted to sleep. so much.
then later i went to choir. after i finished my folio.
with air cond.
they learnt movements.
which i didn't.
i was lucky that i didn't collaps during choir.
later i didn't stayed for orchestra.
couldn't stand it.
o i went back and leep.
when i woke up i went to father's room
they said my puppy, BOBO went to the vet.
ate racun.
i didn't care much wan.
then went to seep again.
woke up half way when parents came back.
with BOBo, of course.
then they shouted BOBo, BOBO!
i thought tht they were calling him cause he ran out of the house.
when i went out, he was gasping for air.
the damn racun attacking. BLOODY SHIT MIA RACUN!
he looked fine in the vet after a few suntikan, sad by my maid
i look so pityful
then my parnets took him to the vet again.
but i had to go seee clinic too.
i was sick kayy.
so my maid walked me to klinik west jelutong.
we ended up talking about BOBO more than talking about me.
the person in the clinic thought he was the one sick.
cause i had a bad headache and decided to sit first.
while she registers for me
so since he was sick, still down with sorethroat, made the person think that she was the sick wan.
but it was actually me...
so the doctor said sleep early. *mean i got no enough sleep* thanks to geo and sej folio
eat less fried food and drink more water
that was the threeconditions she agve me.
and obviousy i do not listen.
so went home and took the medicine.
half way taking them, i went behind to vomit. *vomited twice*
then parents came back.
BOBO wasn't qitht them anymore.
then i burst to tears.
went to ly down on my maids bed.
my bed double decker.
lazy climb up
then my sis's puppy turn to kea affecte by racun.
i didn't want to see him die so i went to the room again.
then fell asleep.
slpt till the next morning.
my fever was gone.
so i went to school for teachers day

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