Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congratulations Steven!

Hey! i'm here blogging again.
But this time not about me. It's about Steven Neoh! *pss: he wont even read my blog so yea*
it's a secret between me and you. the pics in here some are stolen from somewhere. =)

Steven Neoh is our(Frankie Pizza) "Last Time Worker" =)
some of you may know him, some of you dont. Good if you know him, sorry if you dont. but it actually doesn't matter.
So wondering why i Say Congratlations? i'll telll you later.

First i will how you a picture of him when he's young. primary school i think. (source of picture: maid, Kak Endang/ his keh mak)

His primary school picture. Cute eh? *so innocent!*

In the middle in year 2009 he looks like this *as you can see a little, he's a little plum*

Anyways, he's the one who gave me the panda. for my birthday. Here goes the panda!

The Panda! it's kinda old now. i think he gave me since 2006 maybe? idk. too long to remember. sorry.

for your info, he's now officially 21 year old!

meaning he's old! xD jk. it actually means he's already matured and sudah ada freedom! Congratulations *and sorry for not going to your bday party idk how long ago. Wasn't free*

But that isn't what i'm congratulating about.

That day when i went to work at Desa Green, saw him. His appearence was great suprise for it's so long since i saw him.

He's very easy to talk to (at leasst for me) =D

He's now doing bakery stuff. like breads i guess. he worked in four leaves before but he quit and went to another bakery. idk the name but the cakes he do is good! believe me.

want more info where he work just leave a msg at chat box. =)

So now cut all the crapping and get straight to the point!

The reason i congratulated him was because. chang chang Chang CHANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


isn't it amazing? he had been gaining weight since he worked in bakery. mainly becayse if cannot sell finish, he have to bring go home and eat so yea. that's why he's a little plum. he's overweight (according to him)

So when he started losing weight? answer: since last week

How he lose weight: he went to this 12-treatments0RM 500-thinggy. and according to mummy, that's way to cheap for sliming! and yes! i do agree. Rm500 for TWELVE TIMES! yup, you saw it right. TWELVE TIMES!

Where do you get the treatment? answer: Gurney according to him. But i'm not sure about further details. he just roughly told me about it. So if you want further info, again you can leave a msg and i'll ask him if you want to.

How many KG's did he lose? answer: he said 4 kg but i dont think so. he was 90 smtg kg when he should only be 60 smtg kg for his height. big difference eh? he was from i think 98 kg and dropped till somewhere around 83 i think. and his goal is to be 73/72 kg bafore chinese new year. *For your info, he bought all the clothes he can't wear /cause to small and he plans to wear them. he does have confident now. i can tell. the first time i saw him that friday, i thoughtsmtg was wrong. he was a much happier person. i can feel his enjoying life now. his self esteem build up. i'm happy for him, that's why i'm writing this post. You can't lose weight just by saying OK, i wanna lose weight, but end up doing nothing. losing weight is about the sction you take to lose weight and do whatever it takes to lose weight (not till starve yourself, it's just making your weight rise higher when you eat even a little) it's the action that matters which will give you results.

i'm lazy to update ad. so ta da!

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