Monday, June 22, 2009


i know my blog had been D.E.A.D.
tsk tsk
no oucs whatsoever.
but at least i'm still writing about hapennins eh..
gang show was on saturday.
went to watch with su fen and onglai. wendy didn't show up. =.=
eventually the performance are okayy.
some people are really nervous. my godd.
and shannen as usual shouting very loudly. ahha. we changed place many times bacause their shouting was making our ear deaf.
*warning listening to loud sound may harm your ear* whatsoever
sat morning i was suppose to go to gurney with yvonne and nai hung.
sorry girls
know i ppk you for idk how many times.
sorry kayy. not my fault.
kena grounded. but at least got to go out at night. =D
i had been putting on make up for like almost everyday since i had colour contacts.
i felt blank wearing colour contacts with no make up. sigh
nvm. forget it.
sunday had tuition and did the usual waste time stuff. i remembered i watched tv. and the magician code for maybe twice?
i've been watching night at the museum twice and the magic thinggy twice. maybe i should spent my time with other stuff instead.
i need to really study now. and here i wish Yong Chin congrats for getting in UKM and good luck in economy. =DD
we in penang will miss you kayy.
and sorry to phei qin yea for not replying to her in msn.
she wants to buy contact lens.
we too. ordering from this von von person who is rushing us like mad.
customers wan her to close batch soon. WTH.
that batch closes at 15 july kayy.
customers who can't wait dont buy la. ISHHH
and the dueba and GnG contact lens are unavailable. WTH
then why you so sell pula?
got official website lagi.
crap you all la weh.
i spent 228 on contact lens only. then my online shopping got soemore.
seriously need more cash. sigh.
for pmr if i get full a i'll get phone, laptop and camera. wee.
here i say sorry to all that i hurt before or maybe didn't care about you.
sometimes i'm evil. nyek nyek nyek.
lol. but deep inside i'm not okayy.
there's an angel in everyone of us. =]

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