Sunday, July 12, 2009

my saturday.

i know i should have post saturday's post first but i was lazy. HEH.
so yesterday i woke up around 11?
then went and have breakfast with Uncla Alex and his wife. not son and daughter. *thank god*
spent lots of time there.
my father YAN CHA with him.
and usual grandfather stury.
but i enjoy him talking.
my father i mean.
the things he sayd make sense.
not rubbish talking.
even cousins from faraway dont mind him talking much.
he's entertaining.
but sometimes very fierce ... to me only. .. AIKS.
i kinda remember doing a time table. but it was ruined, BLAH.
almost all my time table are always ruined.
know why?
cause i didn't set time to eat and rest.
so anyways was studying.
forgot what sub.
and i got close to you.
i realised it was you who was missing me and not HIM.
so hmm...
like that la.
had been busy with studies.
great having time to spent with you all.
i know i rarely speak to ppl in msn,
will try to speak more. hehe.
sofar the only person who i can talk from start to end is my cousin. WOW!
<3 her. =D
i guess that's all for yesterday.
*pics soon again*


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