Sunday, November 30, 2008


yesterday instead of going to work, my mum and i went to see aunty katherine.
about my charity thingy today.
then went to mamak stalls for my mother's magazine-health and beauty
suddenly she like the magazine so much.
after mamak stalls to maxims...
meet merina and i dont know the other girl's name there.
the other girl got tuition in cik guan tuition last time wan.
bought some fOOODS!
mint ice cream, japanese ciscuit,chocolate twist,almond biscut.
eat there until the shop close.
the ice cream so cOLDDDDDDDD!
then on the awy home.
but singgah at siang yen and lye lye.
lye lye kak na and cindy.
florence and my sister didnt work there.
my sister work in siang yen.
the place i always work.
she work with kak mi.
then come home.
have to replace two times of work.
on friday kena the worse.
i wonder whoose fault it is.
suddenly go cancel flute class
all that ah pao fault.
stuck and car broke down.
not enough people.
so THAT person go work.
then later cy say i ppk, MATI!
i ppk her lots of time.
promised her this week go out again.
i dont know lar.
see my parents let or not. the ballons! WOO HOO!~ love it!
donuts!~ their comuts look so like big apple domut. they have one like pink pater, go nuts bla bla...

the ice cream thinggy. and my mum!

maxim's christmas decorations.


eating ice cream.

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