Wednesday, November 12, 2008

back from green forest nutrition.

im' back and today was kinda bored to me.
no school, no friends.
no teachers
no books.
bla bla.
mel also didn't go to school.
saw her online.
school this few days so bored.
green forest nutrition today ws bored for me.
i tiam all the time nia.
1. got ntg to say mood(maybe cause my mother gave me a speech, for tomorrow kl and malacca trip and i dont wanna leave my friends in penang. and i miss my maid ad. i think she reached indonesia ad. see you in 6 months time. =( kak enang, enam bulan cepat sahaja)
3. i missed all the times, when i will be busy sms-ing.
bla bla.
now like no one sms me.
maybe cause i just change my ne number, no one knows my number ask me ar if you want. mood already in me
5. li fen's fault, make me sleep late. so now i sleepy.

5 reqasons enough ad lar.
today sw a cute and in really cute dog at green forest nutrition.
the only happy thing there.
the dog.
it's white.
but people tell me the dong dont have owner.
i pet it.
so damn cute.
my heart melted!
heh heh
somehow, it look's like steven.
can't to think of it, we already have mnay dogs in the house.
and the cute little puppy followed me everywhere i go.
my mother saw like.
ohh oh!
die ad lar.
cause our house got dogs ad.
now the person call me take back pula.
my mother's face was like.
ha ha.
i'll see you
on monday, little doggie.
didnt take a pic of it.

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