Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello peeps!

it's been quite a while since i update my blog. tsk tsk *i know*
therefore, i'll blog as i did last time. =D *happy? no?*
how long since i'd blog? hmm... half a year maybe. LOL.
can't really say that i'm busy.
only one word best describe me. LAZY.
*wonder how somepeople found out that i have a blog. *

so today had been the last day of exam. the more reason for me to blog.
time past and now it's mid year exam. so bloody fast. Soon without realising it's be PMR. WTH!
HEH. to tell the truth, i haven been studying properly lately. i dont know why but it's like " girl turns bad"
HEH. maybe i should write a sory using the title.
WEE. *had been planning to write a story, but didnt know what to write about*

things to do after exam.
  • clean my room
  • sort out my stuff in the closet.
  • get back to the "love myself"
  • MORE REVISION *seriously needed*
  • study study study.
  • spend spend spend? LMAO
life had been nice to my sister. she got merit for her dublin essay *CONGRATS!*
*entitle: rain rain go away**or smtg like that*
she had to take bus all the way to KL to get the certificate and blabla. she met another peng hua girl there. only both of them from penang. she went with my father and mother.
so, on 2nd june, my mother , sis and I will be going to kl. again. =D WEE.
can't wait for that day to come.
I WANNA MEET WEN YI! *smiles widely*
she's my wonderful cousin. hehe.
love her to bits. xD

no pics for a while. can't find my USB. sorry guys. wasn't my fault. =.=
*glares at my sis*
the story started, one beautiful day....
i had the mood to blog and update things. till she came and snatch the comp from me. POOF!
no more blogging mood, whatsoever.
so i left my things there. and i dont know where it went later on. totaly forgot about them.
even my ipod. =D
but now, lost is found. not my usb though. hehe. *found my ipod*

AH! got lots of puppies in our house lately.
AWH!. i only have one the rest is kinda like my sis?
not fair, right?
Anyways, mine is BOBO. want to know how i gave it that name?
casue on the day we got him, my brain was thinking of B word. so *BLUP*
here comes BOBO.
stupid, right?
i know it sounds weird but i still LOVE it no matter what. YAY!
curently got around 5 puppies, dogs. last time got 10! but gave away. ISH.
gonna post about them later. pics will arrive when i find my usb. *smiles*

hmm.. i'm finally lazy to blog. now gonna wtch tv. and rest.
even my sis who still have exams is watching tv now. HAHA.
*i'm so gonna be dead when results come out.*
had been waching tv during exam.
father say if my results bad i'm going to kena from him..
AWH! sad, right? no? * if you said no. i'll say... "you evil!" jk. xD

bye readers.

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