Sunday, July 12, 2009

my saturday.

i know i should have post saturday's post first but i was lazy. HEH.
so yesterday i woke up around 11?
then went and have breakfast with Uncla Alex and his wife. not son and daughter. *thank god*
spent lots of time there.
my father YAN CHA with him.
and usual grandfather stury.
but i enjoy him talking.
my father i mean.
the things he sayd make sense.
not rubbish talking.
even cousins from faraway dont mind him talking much.
he's entertaining.
but sometimes very fierce ... to me only. .. AIKS.
i kinda remember doing a time table. but it was ruined, BLAH.
almost all my time table are always ruined.
know why?
cause i didn't set time to eat and rest.
so anyways was studying.
forgot what sub.
and i got close to you.
i realised it was you who was missing me and not HIM.
so hmm...
like that la.
had been busy with studies.
great having time to spent with you all.
i know i rarely speak to ppl in msn,
will try to speak more. hehe.
sofar the only person who i can talk from start to end is my cousin. WOW!
<3 her. =D
i guess that's all for yesterday.
*pics soon again*


how i spent my Sundayy!

this morning woke up around 10 smtg.
then sis bathe.
and we went to Sungai Pinang food court to have brakfast. aka dim zum.
the food was nice. the chicken boxer wan was delicious... xD
after one hour wasting time there we went to the Penang state library.
i went with my sis first. then joined by some other companions.
so my sis find a plcae to sit then i went to look at the art exhibition..
it's nice. as in seriously nice.
some are really nice. there are drawing and painting from blind people or deaf people.
if they can draw and colour so can you, so dont complain and say that you can't pain or draw.
you're gifted with what every you have.
so use it properly.
i took some pics, as predicted.
some with my sis.
but can't upload them. sry.
it's about the malaysian and japanese art exhibition. or smtg like that.
there were too mnay for my eyes to see.
so i left and do my revision. started with KH.. then geo, followed by Science, Bm, and Maths.
meet some people there.
Gavin Foong, Khaw Jze Yuin *sorry if spell wrong*, another EX-MGSian *dont know your name*, and Sheng Hui. AND phei Qin and joe Shuan And KAREN!
meet sheng hui there unexpectedly.
so she came and sat with us. cause we had the whole table to ourselves.
so we were studying then pheiqin came with joe shuan with her.
i and sis was the first one who went. thank to karen who said she would go at 10 AM!
but she came after us. follwed by sheng hui and the two late wans phei qin and joe shuan.
half way stydying came Gavin foong.
i bet he dont know me. HEH.
but i'm sure he knows my sis. HAHA!
anyway he went after idk how long. glad seeing yo there. HEH
me and my sis stayed there till 6.
others went back early.
infact i was the last person to leave the library.
came back and had fish and chips.
and now blogging. xD
*pics coming soon* when i find my USB.


Saturday, July 11, 2009


i've just read someone's blog justnow..
and it impressed me.
it was about how a person love another person truefully...
and it's touching. i admit. xD
was smilling all the way after reading? LMAO
anyway nice job! wanting to read more post like that. ahhaha...



to all MGS ppl.
i know there are many schools who dont have bulanan 2 exams on monday.
but MGS do.
so Good luck to MGS people who have to spent their weekend studying.
sad eh?
me too. hi-5! *piak*
so i have to get good results myself. after 2 times of dissapointment.
cause i didn't study. but now i have my darling. wee.... jk.
anyway my father gave me the warning. RED LIGHT.
if i dont study he'll nag me till i cry and snatch my phone away from me.
lock me in my room and suffer.
nice? SO NOT!
so therefore i need to put more effort!



Friday, July 10, 2009


so i wanna say congratulations to
  • my dearest partner, CLARE ANTHONY!
  • and to the school MGS! for the successfull BACATON.

My partner went to the prefects interview. she said her speech and everything went well. and i of course helped her with her speech. ONLY ONE PARAGRAPH. and it's actually obvious that i gave her the idea. cause there was the word LOVE in it. LMAO. anyways she did said the paragraph i wrote for her. but her pandai pandai cut short it. i dont mind actually. it's her choise anyway. i LOVE her speech kayy. it's like so grand! after you read you'll like hear trumpet playing nice melody... it's nice.. to me at least. and farzana said it was nice also. YAY! anyways, she's a provationary prefect. therefore i can't do ilegal stuff. *pfft* but i still love her. LOL.

Our school had the Bacaton today. yuppp. the thing we collected, which make us collect minimum 50 ringgit. yeah. that one. so our class came out as the second runner up. the second class who collected the most. first was 1biru. CONGRATS ppl! i wonder why 1 B so active in this bacaton thinggy. come on lahh. it's koreking our money from OUR pocket. ISH. smart way to earn money. but i dont mind. to tell the truth. cause it's not my money. and our class get some money for ourselves. plus the recycling one, i hope we got enough money to go for class trip. i do want class trip. come on. like who doesn't? unless the people they hate are in the same class. LOL. jk. anyway there were also this price giving thinggy. they gave out A4 paper. everybody bursted into laughters.. hahhaa. but A4 is actually usefull kayy. you see paper in everyday life.. dont you just agree? i know you do. they gave umbrealls too. Mr Sara was ONE OF THE LUCKY person to get it. LOL. lucky ehh? *raise one eyebrow* haha. MAYBE. before that we had the reading section. i cn hear giggles and laughter and sound everywhere. it's not like we're really reading. but i know i am. wee. cause it allows me to touch my dear story book again. afterall i am not suppose to read them till after exam. but it's bacaton, right? so i am allowed. wee.

so this post is all about words. want me to put pic? sadly i have no pic. none for bacaton. *WENDY!!! can i take a look at the pics you have?*



Monday, July 6, 2009

some pics after a long long time eh...

so found my dear usb cable ad. happy? =D
Clare's "good luck and thank you" card from me

*did that with all my heart. to show how much i love her as my partner. i appreciate her. do you
feel the same towards your partner?* *didn't do pn cheach's hwk but i did that instead*


thsi is all fr now. thank you for viewing my blog. =]



so i'm back. after i dont knw how long.
miss me? no? sigh
so exam results had came out. now it's another exam which i believe many schools dont have. i wonder why. tsk tsk.
why is mgs so special that we need to have that exam? grrr.
anyways mgs ia great in a way. we have lotsa activity. almost every week can't to think of it. the learning festival 2 had ended. didn't had fun at all except tangram and also the book sale. xD
i'm into books but can't read them till PMR is over. suckish eh?
so today was the launcj of the bulan kecergasan. we had this people from idk where who gave us speech and my myy.... they're fierce...
and tomorrow we'll be getting our injections.. excited? no wayy....
so exam are on the 13th and i really need to work really really hard. infact VERY HARD.
so jia you in everything you do/...
and good luck to peple who have prefect interviews tomorrow. go CLARE!~